Friday, March 1, 2013

A New Plan

Okay, after much research and prayer... I have come up with a plan. Sorry it took so long. I got busy with the everyday life of a stay at home mom. So here we go. I have come up with my niche for the blog. I am passionate about many things but to make it catchy and suitable for this blog, I encompassed them to the Five Fs. Don't worry all of them are good F words. Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, and Fitness! Yey! I do love all those Fs. I wanted to post everyday. I also would want to work out everyday but on a good week, I get to workout four out of the 7 days. I actually need to finish this stat so I can squeeze a work out in before the little one wakes up from his nap. I digress. Realistically, I can probably do once a week. Thus, once a week, I will discuss one of the Fs. Good plan! Meanwhile, enjoy little arrow's look of doubt of me sticking with this plan!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A New Plate

     Yes. I'm still here. I haven't had time to post anything. Well that and I have been lazy in really putting effort with this blog. The holidays were busy of course. And I'm still getting used to my new job of 24/7 motherhood.
     So, I have been in a search of a new plate to add for my juggling habit. I thought of capitalizing on my strengths, likes, obsessions, and even weaknesses. I love to read and write so I started this blog but I really need help in expanding and making it better. This is all new territory to me. I have no idea how to do most of this but I really wanted to have a place to share my experiences to encourage others like myself. On this blog, I can expand it into multiple plates maybe even some utensils thrown in here. Well, the point is I really need to commit to this and make it my own! This week, my goal is to research how to make the most of this blog, the type of material I can cover, and more. I'm off to Pinterest and Google to get ideas. Stay tuned!
      Meanwhile, does anyone have any suggestions on how I can better this blog?